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The Prenatal Origins of Health

Events before birth, fueled by the human embryo, are more consequential in terms of health and development than anything thereafter. Nevertheless, prenatal life has been largely minimized in terms of its influence on all aspects of health, including emotional, psychological, and mental health. This program is part of an approach to reskilling medicine called Regenerative Health for A Climate Changing World. It allows people of all ages and all backgrounds to claim their earliest histories and support others in doing the same.

Facilitated by Neuroscientist and Embryologist, Dr. Stephanie Mines, everything in this program is transmitted through somatic education. Highly personalized and experiential, the curriculum intends to inspire healthcare providers, educators, parents, therapists, bodyworkers and anyone committed to life affirming healthcare to reclaim the origins of health and the treasure of Original Brilliance.

Hear from Dr. Mines in this short video about the program.

Dr. Stephanie Mines is the author of The Secret of Resilience. This book fuses Dr. Mines’ personal discovery of embryogenesis with her research as a clinician with over thirty years of experience resolving shock and trauma with people throughout the world. When you attend this series, you experience:

  1. The determined and initiatory life force of all embryos;

  2. The landmarks of prenatal development;

  3. The distinction between shock and trauma;

  4. The neuroendocrine evolution that occurs in relationship to prenatal events;

  5. The interaction of genetic, epigenetic and intergenerational forces on development; and

  6. How to recalibrate nervous system responses that became habituated as compensations for failed satisfaction.


No matter your age, you can cultivate neuroresilience by highlighting holographic moments in early development for reframing. The potent and formative energies of early life are a rich field for internal reorganization that optimizes biochemistry.

You will be joined by a cohort of like-minded practitioners who know the power of evolutionary consciousness. Find the unprecedented leadership that is your birthright, just in time to put it to use in a world yearning for your participation.

Register by submitting payment above.

Tuition: $1500 USD

Dates: Jan 20, 27, Feb 3, 10, 17 ~ Then, a 2-week break, resuming Mar 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6

Time: 10 AM in Hawaii; Noon Pacific; 8 PM in the UK; 9 AM in New Zealand (the following day)

Email for inquiries.